❤️ Question 1/4: How does Cowen define his object of inquiry, the “complacent class”? Your response should include descriptions of the groups who make up the complacent class. What makes Cowan’s definition of the complacent class challenging? In other words, how does his defining the complacent class run athwart the “usual” way we talk about social groups? Provide some quotes from the text to buttress your claim.

♠️ Question 2/4: Cowen claims that Americans have lost their restless spirit. WHY have Americans (really) stopped moving, according to Cowen? What are the downsides to this loss of restlessness? Why is it a GOOD thing that we’ve stopped moving so much? Provide some quotes from the text to buttress your claim. You’ll need to talk a lot about the complacent class.

♦️Question 3/4: Chapter 3 is devoted to segregation. Cowen argues persuasively that data indicate that there’s been a major resurgence of segregation. Define Cowen’s term “segregation” based on the text. Why has segregation reemerged, and WHY is it bad? (Not on moral grounds, that’s obvious… but how does segregation negatively impact the economy?) Provide some quotes from the text to buttress your claim. You’ll need to talk a lot about the complacent class.

♣️Question 4/4: The central concept that animates Complacent Class is the notion of matching. Define Cowen’s term “matching” based on the text. How is matching GOOD for us, personally, and for the economy. What are some of the “downsides” to matching. (Cowen details dozens, but you could identify others!) Provide some quotes from the text to buttress your claim. You’ll need to talk a lot about the complacent class.